Sonic Adventure 2 Official Soundtrack - Tracks: 1. It Doesn't Matter (Theme of Sonic) 2. Event: Let's Make It 3. Escape from the City (City Escape) 4. Vengeance is Mine (Radical Highway) 5. Lovely Gate 3 (Egg Quarters) 6. Unknown from M.E. (Theme of Knuckles) 7. This Way Out (Prison Lane) 8. I'm a Spy (Security Hall) 9. That's The Way I LIke It (Metal Harbor) 10. Rhythm and Balance (White Jungle) 11. Won't Stop, Just Go! (Green Forest) 12. E. G. G. M. A. N. (Theme of Eggman) 13. Dive Into The Mellow (Aquatic Mine) 14. Rumbling HWY (Mission Street) 15. Fly Into The Freedom (Theme of Rouge) 16. Advertise: SA2 (In The Groove) 17. Space Trip Steps (Meteor Herd) 18. Sorin' Over The Space (Cosmic Wall) 19. Believe In Myself (Theme of Tails) 20. Highway In The Sky (Final Rush) 21. Throw It All Away (Theme of Shadow) 22. Deep Inside Of... (Cannon's Core #3) 23. Supporting Me (Biolizard) 24. Event: The Last Scene 25. Live & Learn (Main Theme) 26. Chao Race (Extended Remix)